Adapting to an ostomy takes time, but you will be back in a busy routine that includes going to the workplace, engaging in physical activity, and meeting people in your social circle. In this article, we will talk about different aspects of living with an ostomy.

Medicines that you take absorb in the small intestine. With an ostomy, the absorption of your medication will depend on the extent of the small intestine that you retain. Your intestinal tract may not absorb coated pills or time-release medicines because they pass too quickly. Taking liquid medication may help in this regard. You can talk to your doctor or health professional about the type of ostomy you have, and ask them to suggest the medication that absorbs into your intestines quickly.
Right after surgery, you may have to stick to a liquid diet for several days. You will move to your previous diet gradually. Generally, it takes six weeks for your bowel to fully recover after surgery. During this time, your diet will consist of soft foods.

An ileostomy or ascending colostomy results in the removal of a significant part of the colon. One of the main functions of a colon is to absorb water from the stool that passes through it. That is why a colon is also known as a re-hydrator. With the colon gone, plenty of water will pass out of your stoma along with the stool. It can cause dehydration pretty quickly. It will be crucial to have an intake of plenty of water to make up for that water loss.
You will also have to pay attention to the foods that may cause a problem. Below are the foods that can cause issues if you have a stoma.

Unless your job requires heavy lifting, you can continue with your present job. You can talk to your doctor about the amount of weight that you can lift. Your doctor will let you know about the occupational limitations that you are going to have to consider. You may also want to talk to your employer and coworkers about your condition. This way, they will do their best to allow you to adapt to the work environment with an ostomy.
You can wear clothes of any type with an ostomy. Nurses do their best to avoid marking a stoma site away from the beltline, which means that you can wear your favorite pants if you want. You can take suggestions from your nurse regarding the type of clothing you can wear comfortably.
With a little planning regarding when and how to empty and change your ostomy bag, you can travel to wherever you want to go. If you are traveling by plane, you may have to pack your ostomy supplies in the hand-carry bag. You may also want to pack extra supplies to anticipate any problems in the delivery of new supplies at your destination.
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